The moment signs of a vaginal yeast infection make themselves known—the itch you discreetly get at by squirming in your seat, the gates of hell suddenly relocating to between your legs, and the clumpy discharge—nothing else matters…other than getting it gone!
Apple cider vinegar has been found to stop the growth of the fungi that causes yeast infections. Add half a cup of apple cider vinegar in your bath water and soak yourself in it for at least 20 minutes. However, always make sure to dilute the apple cider vinegar and never use it at full strength. This is because it can also kill the healthy bacteria in your body.
Just like baking soda, taking a bath with Apple Cider Vinger (ACV) may also help to soothe an infection because it has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which prevents the growth of bacteria.
Unfortunately, there’s little evidence to support this claim. Nevertheless, it’s a cheap remedy to try, and one that has no known side effects!