Can Vitamin C Really Help Prevent Colds and Flu?

 It’s such an oft-repeated thing it has become common knowledge: Vitamin C is what we need when we are coming down with a cold or flu. Many swear it helps them prevent winter ills; others say it eases and erases symptoms and helps them bounce back if they do get struck down. But what is the truth here? Is vitamin C the cold cure and immunity boost we may believe it to be?... Read More | Share it now!


Ginger is a flowering tropical plant that grows in China, India, Africa, the Caribbean, and other warm climates. Ginger is a well-known natural treatment for diarrhea. It can help treat some of the causes of diarrhea and relieve gastrointestinal symptoms.... Read More | Share it now!

Fluids For Flu

Drinking plenty of fluids is one of the most important things you can do when you have a cold or flu. Because cold and flu symptoms like runny nose and sweating, which often accompanies fever, increase the amount of water your body loses, dehydration might occur if your fluid intake is not increased to compensate.... Read More | Share it now!

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