Healthy Diet

Healthy diet is a diet rich in essential nutrients and fluids that helps maintain and improve overall health, maintain healthy body weight and helps individuals feel at their best.

A healthy diet includes;


1. Dark leafy greens; like spinach, kales, beet greens, broccoli, wild lettuce, bitter leaf, jute leaf, jews mallow, scent leaf and lots more.
2. Non starchy vegetables: like mushrooms, cauliflower, cucumbers, carrot, cabbage, spring onions, garlic, onions, eggplant.
3. Sea food and fish: salmon, tuna, oyster, shrimp.
4. Salt: like sea salt, pink himalayan salt.
5. Red meat from organic grass fed animals (animals in Nigeria are majorly fed on grass).
6. Eggs and chicken; eggs should be eaten by both young and old, up to 5 eggs daily.
7. Dairy products: fermented milk, greek yoghurt, whey.


Use coconut oil, avocado oil, animal fats like beef tallow, pork lard, butter for cooking (avoid overheating as too much heat destabilizes it).


– Take walks in the sun for vitamin D and serotonin to boost mood and lower anxiety; exercise the body.

– Sleep uninterrupted for at least 7-8hrs.

– Proper hydration: with spring water being the most nutritious. Drink up to 3 ltrs of water in a day. (Tip: squeeze lemon juice into drinking water).


– Sugar and food containing added sugar Fructose ( modern sugar).

– Grains and flour.

– Carbonated drinks.

– Margarine.

– Vegetable and seed oils (canola, soy oil).

– Refined carbs ( pasta, noodles, wheat, bread).

– Alcohol.

– Smoking.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from endless pills and hospital visits. Cut down fat, hydrate properly, prioritise your sleep and live a refreshing life.


Written by: Ololade Oduyomi

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