Astymin Capsule


Astymin is used for treatment of Anemia Osteoporosis Hypocalcemia Vitamin D deficiency Hypophosphatemia Cardiovascular health Thiamine deficiency Neurological disorders Heart problem Eye disorders and other conditions


Astymin is used for treatment of Anemia Osteoporosis Hypocalcemia Vitamin D deficiency Hypophosphatemia Cardiovascular health Thiamine deficiency Neurological disorders Heart problem Eye disorders and other conditions.

Astymin Multivitamin Tablet works by curing weakening of bones and for better absorption metabolizing carbohydrate thus maintains normal growth maintaining many tissues of the body to prevent vitamin B2 deficiency producing antibodies and hemoglobin by keeping blood sugar level in normal range maintaining many tissues of the body to prevent vitamin B2 deficiency helping tissue in respiration and metabolism of fats protein thus lowers blood cholesterol by inhibiting the synthesis of LDL.

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