Most of us are not cautious of our safety at our homes and work places. We all take it for granted.
Home and work safety involves taking time to inspect the home and work environment to discover hidden dangers that may increase the risk of injury or even death . Common hazards in the home and work place can lead to slips and falls, fires, accidental burns, electrocution and other injuries.

Personal protective equipment like gloves, shoes, masks, goggles, safe slippers and hard hats don’t have to be expensive but can save us from serious injury in the home and work places, so get into the habit of using them.

Home Safety Tips:
•Make sure that your security alarms are in working conditions
•Design an Emergency Exit Plan.
•Keep your doors closed and locked at all times.
•Keep medicines in a safe cabinet.
•Keep the floor as dry as possible to avoid slipping.
•Turn on security lights at night.
. Wear a dry pair of slippers when touching switches and electrical appliances.
. Know where the First Aid Kits are in your home and be sure to have one well refilled always.
. Ensure your have your Fire Extinguisher at appropriate points in your home.
•Make emergency toll free number boldly visible.(TOLL FREE NUMBER -112).

Safety Tips for The Workplace:
•Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
•Know where the First Aid Kits are at all times and refill appropriately.
•Take regular breaks.
•Always use equipment properly.
•Know where emergency exits are.
. Fire extinguishers must be checked regularly to ensure they have not expired.
Make emergency toll free number boldly visible (Toll Free Number 112).

The need for safety is very important as it would to a large extent reduce the accident rates at home, school and working place.

First Aid For Suspecting Gallstones

1. Consult your doctor if this is not the first attack.

2. Call a doctor immediately for emergency advice if such symptoms appear for the first time.

3. Don’t eat anything to make things go worse when you get abdominal pain caused by gallstones.

4. A heating pad or soaking in a tub of warm water may ease the person’s pain.

First Aid For Suspecting Pancreatitis

You need get immediate treatment.

Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic.

Either form is serious and can lead to complications.

In severe cases, bleeding, infection, and permanent tissue damage may occur

First Aid For Foreign Object In The Ear

1. Don’t probe the ear with a tool. Don’t attempt to remove the foreign object by probing with a cotton swab, matchstick or any other tool. To do so is to risk pushing the object farther into the ear and damaging the fragile structures of the middle ear.

2. Remove the object if possible. If the object is clearly visible, pliable and can be grasped easily with tweezers, gently remove it.

3. Try using gravity. Tilt the head to the affected side to try to dislodge the object. Remove batteries or magnets as soon as possible to prevent corrosion or burns. Do not crush a battery during removal.

4. Adhesives, may be removed manually within 1-2 days once desquamation has occurred. Referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist is required if an adhesive is in contact with the tympanic membrane.

5. If you believe earwax is causing ear discomfort or hearing loss, see a health care provider. The health care provider may use a special tool to remove it.

6. Don’t use cotton swabs. They can push earwax deeper into the the canal, impacting (compressing) it against the ear drum.

How To Remove Water From Ears

Make sure that there is water in your ears. This can easily be checked by slightly tapping your temple with your wrist. You will feel very uneasy if water is stagnant in your ear.

1. Drain the ear. Wipe your outer ear slowly and gently with a soft towel or cloth, then tilt your head to one side to help the water drain out of your ear canal.

2. To find the right angle, move your head back and forth as you tilt it. It may even help to tug on the earlobe in order to open the canal wider.

3. An alternate method is to stand on one foot and tilt your head so the offending ear faces the ground. Hop on one foot until the water drains

4. Another method is to lie down on your side with the ear facing down. Gravity may cause the ear to drain naturally.

5. Pretend you are gnawing on some food to move the jawbones around your ears. Tilt your head to the side that doesn’t have water in it, then quickly tilt your head to the other side.

6. Blow-dry the ear. Put a hair dryer on the lowest setting, hold it at least 1 foot/3 meters away from your head, and blow into the ear.

7. Alternatively, blow the warm air across opening of the ear instead of into it. Whenever warm, dry air passes over water, it pulls away water vapour.

8. Make an ear drop solution of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part rubbing alcohol. In addition to promoting drying, this will discourage infection. Drop carefully and pour 5mL into the affected ear, then drain out using the suggestions above. The acid in this mixture acts to break down the cerumen (earwax) that maybe holding in some water in the ear canal, while the alcohol dries quickly and takes the water with it. Do not do this if you have a punctured eardrum.

9. Create a vacuum in your ear. Face affected ear down and then with your palm, push in and out until water begins to come out. Don’t do this with the ear facing upwards or you may drive it farther back into the canal.

10. Alternatively, tilt your ear down, place your finger in it, and make a vacuum with your finger by pushing and pulling rapidly. In a moment the water should come out of your ear very quickly. Note that this is not the preferred method, as scratching your ear canal can cause infection.

Earwax Removal

1. Mix a solution of equal parts vinegar and alcohol. This will help soften the cerumen (wax), and make it easier to flush out. Apply the solution to your ear canal. Lean your head sideways and put a few drops of the solution in your ear. A medicine dropper makes adding a few drops to the ear an easy task. Allow the solution to settle in for about 5 minutes. To keep it from spilling out, place a piece of cotton in your ear before raising your head. If both ears need attention, repeat the process with the other ear.

2. Add oil. Drop a few drops of warm (not hot) olive oil, mineral oil or baby oil into your ear, and keep the head sideways for about five minutes. Lean your head upright and wipe away any oil and wax that exit the ear canal with a clean cloth.

How to remove with a finger

Insert either your index or little finger into your ear canal a short way. Using a downward motion, gently scrape the earwax out. Repeat three or four times. Dispose of the wax and wash your hands.

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Okota Address

Dr Fasheun Street, Off Century hotel bus stop Ago Palace way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria

Ikeja Address

41, Oritshe Street, Off Balogun Street, Off Awolowo Road, Ikeja.

(+234) 902-6115-994

(+234) 701-3373-673

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