What you did not know about Bee Propolis!

What is Propolis?

Did you know that honey isn’t the only thing that bees make? Bees also produce a compound called propolis from the sap on needle-leaved trees or evergreens. When they combine the sap with their own discharges and beeswax, they create a sticky, greenish-brown product used as a coating to build their hives. This is propolis.

Healing compounds in propolis

Researchers have identified more than 300 compounds in propolis. The majority of these compounds are forms of polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that fight disease and damage in the body.

Specifically, propolis contains the polyphenols called flavonoids. Flavonoids are produced in plants as a form of protection. They’re commonly found in foods thought to have antioxidant properties, including:

  • fruits
  • green tea
  • vegetables
  • red wine

Medicinal properties

One 2019 review suggests that people have used propolis as a medicine since the year 300 BC. Ancient Egyptians used propolis for embalming, and some doctors used it during World War II to help with wound healing.

The same 2019 review suggests that it may have the following properties:

  • antibacterial
  • antifungal
  • antiviral
  • antiprotozoal, which means that it works against parasitic illnesses, such as giardiasis
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antioxidant

Some of the substances present in propolis may also have anticancer properties.

However, although laboratory and animal studies into the properties of propolis and its components are promising, few high quality studies have proven its effectiveness as a treatment for specific conditions in humans.

Potential uses

Modern research suggests that propolis may be useful for:

  • minor wounds
  • oral hygiene
  • inflammation
  • cold sores

The following sections will look at some of this research in more detail.

Wound healing

One 2015 review suggests that propolis may aid wound healing. An animal study in rats with diabetes showed that propolis helped the skin grow new cells in order to repair itself.

Because people with diabetes can experience slow wound healing, this suggests that propolis could be beneficial for helping the skin heal more quickly. As propolis also kills some types of bacteria, it may also help prevent infection.

Oral health

According to the same 2015 review, propolis also appears to prevent the formation of calcium phosphate, which is the main component of dental plaque.

Propolis and honey are also antibacterial, which may make them useful as ingredients in dental care products.

According to one small study in the review, propolis significantly decreased the amount of bacteria in the saliva of people with periodontitis.


The antioxidants in propolis may work to reduce inflammation, such as the inflammation that arthritis causes.

Animal studies have tested propolis as an anti-inflammatory agent in rats and mice with arthritis. In both studies, the propolis inhibited swelling and appeared to have an impact on how the inflammation developed.

Scientists believe that propolis may regulate inflammatory substances in the body, such as prostaglandins.


A systematic review in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine suggests that propolis may work as an alternative treatment for genital or oral herpes.

Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV-1 typically causes oral herpes, which can result in cold sores. HSV-2 is sexually transmitted, and it causes an infection that can result in painful blisters on the genitals.

In the review, researchers analyzed several trials into honey and propolis, comparing their effects with those of acyclovir, which is a common HSV medication. In 4 out of 6 trials, propolis was more effective than acyclovir for treating HSV skin lesions — particularly cold sores.

However, the researchers did not include a large number of trials in this review.

Insufficient evidence

Although people have used propolis for many health conditions in the past, there is not strong scientific evidence to support all of them.

The following sections will look at some of these health conditions in more detail.


According to the 2015 review, one older study in rats found that propolis was associated with lower blood sugar levels. However, this is not enough evidence to show that propolis can help with managing diabetes in humans.


Laboratory studies suggest that the compounds in propolis may inhibit cancer cell growth or induce cell death in cancer cells.

Some in vivo tests have shown that flavonoids from propolis can inhibit the development of oral cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, and more.

However, much of the research in this field has involved isolated cells or animal models.


One 2020 study in the journal Phytotherapy Research argues that propolis’s antiviral properties may mean that it works against SARS-CoV-2. This is the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Previous laboratory studies have shown that propolis exhibits antiviral activity against other types of virus, including:

  • rhinoviruses
  • influenza (flu)
  • respiratory syncytial virus

Propolis also appears to help stimulate the immune system. For these reasons, the researchers suggest that propolis may help with preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection.

However, while clinical trials on propolis’s ability to prevent COVID-19 are underway, there is currently no evidence to suggest that it is effective for this purpose.


One study in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity notes that propolis contains compounds that may have an anti-allergy effect in the body.

Some people may feel a benefit from using propolis for this purpose. However, there is not much scientific evidence to prove that propolis can help reduce allergy symptoms.


Reference: Healthline, Medical News Today

Written by: Omojo Emeje


Probiotics are made of good, alive bacteria and/or yeasts that naturally live in your body. You constantly have both good and bad bacteria in your body. When you get an infection, there’s more bad bacteria, knocking your system out of balance. Good bacteria helps eliminate extra bad bacteria, returning the balance.

Probiotic supplements are a way to add good bacteria to your body.

Factors affecting the effects of Probiotics:

– Antibiotics

– A diet low in fibre

– Chronic disease disruption

– Less exercise

– Age

– Poor sleeping quality

– Alcohol consumption

Benefits of Probiotics:

– It balances the friendly bacteria in the digestive system.

– It helps to prevent and treat diarrhoea.

– It improves mental health.

– It helps to keep the heart healthy.

– It reduces the severity of certain allergies and eczema.

– It reduces the symptoms of certain digestive disorders.

– It helps to boost immunity.

– It helps to lose weight and belly fat.

Various ways to benefit from Probiotics:

1.  Through supplement

2. Yoghurt

3. Kefir

4. Pickles

5. Kimchi

6. Kombucha

7. Traditional Buttermilk

8. Cheese

Natural Remedies To Help With Hypothyroidism!

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones to keep the body functioning normally.

The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped endocrine that is located in the lower front of the neck. The thyroid function is to make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood and carried to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormones also help the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles and other organs working as it should.

Natural remedies for hypothyroidism include:

– Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has medium-chain fatty acids that help in better functioning of the thyroid gland. Coconut oil, specifically when taken in a non-heated form, helps with weight loss, increases metabolism and balances body temperature.

Unlike other types of oils, coconut oil has high content of saturated fat (healthy). With the right combination of exercise and the proper balanced diet, coconut oil could be good for thyroid glands.

– Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps in balanced production and expression of hormones. It improves metabolism and helps to alkalize the body environment.

Apple cider vinegar helps regulate body fats, wash away toxins from the body, and absorption of nutrients. Apple cider vinegar can be added to water along with honey and can be taken every morning.

– Ginger

This is one of the easiest home remedies for thyroid as it is easily available. Ginger is rich in essential minerals like potassium and magnesium and helps combat inflammation- one of the primary causes of thyroid issues. It is easiest to have ginger tea. It can also be used as an essential oil. If ginger is mixed with a carrier oil (coconut oil, for example) it can be applied to the body. Ginger oil can also be used via essential oil diffusers.

– Vitamin B

Vitamins help to fight the underlying causes for thyroid problems. Vitamins from the ‘B’ family are essential for proper thyroid function. Vitamin B12 is especially instrumental in helping people with hypothyroidism. Including eggs, meat, fish, legumes, milk, and nut in daily diet might help with a steady supply of Vitamin B.

Since the diet may not be able to meet the daily requirements, taking supplements will help.

– Vitamin D

Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to thyroid problems. Since the body can produce it only when exposed to the sun, ensure that you get a minimum of 15 minutes of sunlight daily. This will also lead to better calcium absorption and good immunity.

Some foods that are rich in Vitamin D are fatty fishes like salmon and mackerel, dairy products, orange juice, and egg yolks. If Vitamin D levels in the body are very low, supplements will be necessary. However, one must be cautious and consult with a doctor about dosage because too much vitamins in the body can be harmful.

– Almonds

Most nuts are beneficial to the body in some way or the other. Almonds are best suited for proper thyroid expression. They are a good source of protein, fiber, and minerals.

Almonds have selenium that is thyroid healthy nutrient. It is also very rich in magnesium that can keep the thyroid gland working very smoothly.

– Dairy Products

Milk, cheese, and yogurt are very beneficial for thyroid as these are high in iodine, the mineral that is essential for proper thyroid functioning. Consuming dairy products will also help with increasing vitamin levels which in turn will help with thyroid problems.

– Beans

Beans are a powerhouse of nutrition. They are rich in fiber, protein, essential minerals and vitamins. Beans are rich in antioxidants and complex carbohydrates. Since beans are also very high in fiber, it helps with constipation which is a common side effect of hypothyroidism. Eating beans regularly has been shown to improve thyroid function.

– Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are rich in good fatty acids that are good for the heart and the thyroid. They help in the production of the thyroid hormones. Rich in magnesium and vitamin B12.

– Iodine Supplements

Another thing that works in improper thyroid functioning is taking iodine supplements. This becomes more important for those who are vegetarians. These supplements restore the balance of iodine in the body and help with thyroid health.

– Regular Exercise

This is one of the most important and most overlooked aspects of maintaining good thyroid functioning. Medicines and natural remedies are fine but it has to be teamed up with proper exercise. Regular exercise helps with proper hormonal balance and leads to better weight management that helps with dealing with thyroid problems.

Foods to eat:

1. Foods rich in iodine

• Cheese

• Milk

• Whole eggs

2. Foods rich in selenium

• Chicken

• Oatmeal

• Shrimps

3. Foods rich in Zinc

• Oysters

• Legumes

• Beef

• Yoghurt

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