1. Don’t probe the ear with a tool. Don’t attempt to remove the foreign object by probing with a cotton swab, matchstick or any other tool. To do so is to risk pushing the object farther into the ear and damaging the fragile structures of the middle ear.
2. Remove the object if possible. If the object is clearly visible, pliable and can be grasped easily with tweezers, gently remove it.
3. Try using gravity. Tilt the head to the affected side to try to dislodge the object. Remove batteries or magnets as soon as possible to prevent corrosion or burns. Do not crush a battery during removal.
4. Adhesives, may be removed manually within 1-2 days once desquamation has occurred. Referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist is required if an adhesive is in contact with the tympanic membrane.
5. If you believe earwax is causing ear discomfort or hearing loss, see a health care provider. The health care provider may use a special tool to remove it.
6. Don’t use cotton swabs. They can push earwax deeper into the the canal, impacting (compressing) it against the ear drum.