Drinking plenty of fluids is one of the most important things you can do when you have a cold or flu. Because cold and flu symptoms like runny nose and sweating, which often accompanies fever, increase the amount of water your body loses, dehydration might occur if your fluid intake is not increased to compensate.
Drinking plenty of fluid is important for ensuring a speedy recovery from cold and flu. It also helps to loosen mucus in your nose and relieve congestion. Staying hydrated ensures that the body can function properly and can defend itself more effectively against the cold or flu.
When you have a cold or flu, drink a minimum of eight 250 mL cups of fluid each day. Drink water or another healthy fluid whenever you are thirsty. But there’s no need to overdo it – too much can lead to hyponatremia (a condition characterized by low levels of salt in the blood). If you are otherwise healthy, use your thirst as a guide to when and how much you should drink. If you are caring for a child who is over one year ensure they drink a minimum of 90–120 mL of fluid per hour. Babies under one year require at least 30–60 mL fluid per hour. Pregnant women should increase their fluid intake to up to ten 250 mL cups per day.
Water is the best fluid to drink when you have a cold or flu as it helps lubricate the mucous membranes of the throat. Hot drinks are also a good choice as the hot steam they produce can relieve congestion. Other fluids which are good options during cold and flu infection include: Ginger ale, Herbal tea, Honey and lemon tea (mix lemon and honey with a cup of hot water), Broth, Ginger tea, Milk and dairy.
Many people believe that milk and dairy products increase congestion and should be avoided when you have a cold or flu; however, this is not the case. There is no need to stop eating or drinking dairy.
What not to drink during cold and flu infection
⦁ Caffeinated drinks should be avoided as they are dehydrating. They include coffee, cola drinks, energy drinks and tea.
⦁ Alcohol is also dehydrating and should be avoided. In addition, it affects the functioning of the immune system and drinking too much alcohol makes you more likely to get an infection.