What You Didn’t Know About Onions!

Onions is one of the most widely used ingredients in the World today. I for one, can’t cook without adding Onions to my food. The flavour, the aroma and taste it gives to my food cannot be ignored!

Now, besides the use of Onions in cooking, there are other benefits that it provides. Most of these benefits are unknown to its users.

Here are some of those benefits:

1. Improves Heart Health. The flavonoids in red onions can contribute to heart health. Onions are also rich in organosulfurs, which can help prevent heart disease. According to one Argentine study, intake of the organosulfur compounds found in onions can cut the risk of cardiovascular disease. Onions contain thiosulfinates that act as natural blood thinners and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The quercetin in onions also has the potential to fight heart disease. It offers both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote heart health. Onions are also a part of the French Paradox – they are an important part of French cuisine and are thought to be responsible for the low incidences of heart disease among the French despite their high-calorie diet.

Onions can also improve cholesterol levels, and this ultimately benefits the heart. As per a report by the Cambridge University Press, the flavonoids in onions help lower the levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol) in obese people.

2. Fights Cancer. Red onions are the most effective in destroying breast and colon cancer cells. These onions have high levels of quercetin and anthocyanin – two compounds that contribute to this characteristic. Onions activate the pathways that provoke the cancer cells to kill themselves. They make the environment unfavorable for cancer cells to communicate, and this inhibits their growth.

It was also found that people with the highest consumption of onions had the lowest cancer rates. As a preventative measure, you can have your burgers garnished with red onions.

3. Prevents Inflammation And Other Allergies. We have already seen quercetin (and other flavonoids) in onions can help prevent inflammation. Onions also treat allergies by preventing the cells from releasing histamine.

Cooking with onions can help open and drain your sinuses. And the antihistamine properties of quercetin can also aid in reducing nasal congestion. Even eating a raw onion at night can help relieve congestion – the sulfur-compounds in the onion can break down the mucous.

Onions also possess antibacterial properties. As per one study, onion extracts acted against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, the bacteria responsible for dental caries and other allergies. Onions also possess antibiotic effects that can accelerate wound healing.

7. Improve Immune System. Onions contain selenium that stimulates immune function. The mineral also prevents excessive immune response, which can have adverse effects. Immune cells deficient in selenium develop and reproduce inefficiently, and here’s where onions come into the picture. Such cells also have difficulty in producing the important proteins and transporting calcium.

Onions are also considered herbal medicine in Russia, where they are used to treat cold and flu.

8. Cure Ear Disorders. As per one report, though research is limited, most parents swear by onions to cure ear ailments. They insist that onion juice can work great to relieve earache. One way to do this is to heat up the onion, extract some of the juice, and pour a few drops into the infected ear. And this remedy goes back to the 19th century.

All you need to do is place the onion in an oven at 450oF. Let it be for 15 minutes or until it becomes soft. Take out the onion – once it’s cool, cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a small bowl. You can strain the juice once, and using a medicinal dropper, pour a few drops of the juice into your infected ear.

An alternative is to place onion packs on the infected ear. Though the remedy is not scientifically proven, some people believe they might work.

9. Aids Sleep. Onions contain prebiotics, which, as per a study, can improve sleep and even reduce stress. When the beneficial bacteria in the gut digest the prebiotic fiber, they multiply and improve gut health – and more importantly, release metabolic byproducts. These byproducts can influence brain function and induce sleep.

Low Carb Peanut Butter Cheesecake

The only sugar present in this recipe is the sugar in the natural peanut butter, which would vary according to which brand you prefer.

How to make low carb peanut butter cheesecake:

Place almond flour, your sweetener , and melted butter in a bowl and stir together with a fork. Press into the bottom of a spring form pan and bake for 10 minutes. Cool completely.

In a large bowl, beat together the cream cheese, peanut butter, and a sweetener of your choice.

In the bowl of a stand mixer, whip heavy whipping cream on high speed until stiff peaks form. Add this whipped cream to the peanut butter batter and beat on low speed until well mixed, scraping down sides as needed.

Spread mixture into cooled crust and refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.

Give it at least 2 hours covered in the fridge, overnight is best.

What You Should Know About Green Pepper!

Green peppers are basically green-coloured bell peppers or sweet peppers or capsicum (Capsicum Annum). This medium-sized fruit pods have a wonderful bell shape, thick and brittle skin with glossy outer cover and a fleshy texture. Due to its moderately pungent flavour, it is categorized as vegetable rather than spice. However, green peppers not only make our foods savour, but they also come with a large number of benefits. Let us explore all those usefulness:

1. Green pepper is a very powerful antioxidant. They contain plenty of vitamin A, B Complex (especially vitamin B6 and B9), and C, which are able to counterbalance the destructive effects of free radicals in our body and maintain our overall health.

2. The anti-inflammatory properties of green peppers are extremely favourable in relieving the pain and swelling associated with severe bone disorders like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

3. Asthma patients can be highly benefited by green peppers as they are full of phytonutrients, a special group of plant compounds (basically natural chemicals) having the capacity of relaxing respiratory passage and lowering  panting. Phytonutrients are also known to promote better overall health of human beings.

4. Being rich in calcium, green peppers can keep our bone and teeth strong and healthy. It can even aid in maintaining our oral health greatly.

5. The antioxidant properties of green peppers make them super effective against oxidative damages caused by free radicals. Different antioxidant vitamins, especially vitamin C, present in this type of bell peppers can facilitate the formation of collagen in our skin in order to keep it firm and healthy as well as create a barrier to more damage.

6. Regular consumption of green pepper juice is very useful in combating all signs of ageing and keeping our skin healthy forever.

7. The phytonutrients content of green peppers is very effective in curing rashes, blemishes, acne, and other skin infections.

8. Certain infections like athlete’s foot, herpes zoster, etc. can be treated with green peppers due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

9. Green peppers are excellent source of natural silicon, which is very beneficial for our hair.

10. When we include green pepper juice in our daily diet, the blood circulation is increased significantly throughout our scalp and hair roots. It works as a natural hair growth stimulator and helps us get long hair fast.

11. The major problem of hair loss can easily be solved with the help of green peppers. They can save our hair follicles from the harmful effects of di-hydrotestosterone (DHT). As a result, our hair becomes strong and we get rid of frequent hair fall.

12. If you are suffering from split-ends, green peppers can help you very much. It comprises lots of vitamin C, which facilitates the absorption of iron by hair cells and provides enough oxygen to them. It is necessary for preventing the breakage or split of each of our hair strands.


Source: Stylecraze

Healthy Raspberry French Macarons

These Healthy Raspberry French Macarons are sweet, sophisticated, and full of raspberry flavor. And they just so happen to be all natural, low fat, and gluten free too!


1. 200g Evaporated Cane Juice (powdered in a high-speed blender (measure after grinding)

2. 120g Almond meal

3. 14g Freeze-dried Raspberry powder

4. 110g Egg Whites (fresh, not cartoned)

5. ¼ tsp Salt

6. 50 g Evaporated Cane Juice

7. ½ tsp Natural Raspberry flavour


1. Line 3 cookie sheets with silicone baking mats or parchment paper. Prepare a piping bag with round tip.

2 In a small bowl, add the powdered evaporated cane juice, almond meal, and freeze-dried raspberry powder. Set aside.

3. In an electric stand mixer bowl fitted with a whisk attachment, add the egg whites and salt. Turn the stand mixer on high speed and start a timer.

4. Slowly sprinkle in the 50g of evaporated cane juice.  Whip this mixture for 5 minutes. Mixture should form stiff peaks.

5. Add the raspberry flavour and whip for 2 more minutes.

6. Sift the dry ingredients into the stand mixer and discard the raspberry seeds.  Fold the batter by hand with a silicone spatula until everything is fully incorporated. Do not under mix and do not over mix! Mixture should be in between “plopping” off the spatula and “flowing” like a thick ribbon.

7. Scoop the batter into the prepared piping bag and pipe 1” buttons onto the prepared cookie sheets, each about 2” apart.  Tap the pans on the counter HARD a few times to deflate any air pockets.

8. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the piped macarons sit at room temperature for ~45 minutes. Shells should form on the surface of the macarons (when you can tap the surface, they shouldn’t stick to your finger at all). Bake one tray at a time for ~7-8 minutes, or until the fluffy “feet” form and the surfaces of the macarons are dry and firm when lightly tapped (they go from perfect to slightly browned in less than a minute, so keep those eyes peeled!). Let cool completely on the cookie sheets.

Pipe your frosting of choice onto half of the macaron shells, then sandwich the remaining shells on top. Serve immediately.



Source: Desserts with Benefits

Life Is Better With A Cherry On Top!

Cherries have a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. The pigments that give cherries their great color also signify that they have a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Anthocyanins, for example, are a type of polyphenol that give foods a deep red colour and act as an antioxidant in the body.

Those antioxidants pack a punch. Drinking eight ounces of tart cherry juice (about the same as eating 50 cherries) daily for four weeks can significantly reduce markers of inflammation associated with chronic disease, according to a study published in the journal Food & Function.

They might boost your heart health. The benefits of cherries’ polyphenols don’t end with fighting inflammation. Diets rich in polyphenols may help protect against conditions like heart disease.

How? Drinking eight ounces of tart cherry juice daily may help lower triglycerides (high levels of which can raise your risk of heart disease), found another Food & Function study.

They could help you sleep. Cherries contain melationin, a hormone that helps control your sleep-wake cycle.

Though getting proper sleep is complicated (and involves way more than just eating cherries), the fruit can help promote healthy sleep and regulate your circadian rhythm.

If you’re struggling with sleep, good sleep hygiene (avoiding screens before bed, keeping your room cool and dark) is crucial, but incorporating more cherries or cherry juice into your diet could also help.

Cherries can boost your exercise performance (and recovery). Tart cherry juice has been shown to boost exercise performance and post-workout recovery. In fact, research has been looking into this benefit for years.

One older study for instance, found that runners who drank tart cherry juice before and after long-distance races recovered faster than those who drank something else. Cherries’ antioxidants may also help decrease soreness after you exercise. Plus, a more recent meta-data (which analysed the data of multiple studies), found that consuming tart cherry juice or powder before biking, swimming, or running significantly improved exercise endurance.

Cherries can even help with weight loss. Cherries are flavourful, and a lot of people find that they satisfy their desire for something sweet.

One unique perk of this sweet treat is that they take a while to eat, which slows down your eating. If you struggle with mindless snacking, cherries are good for that.

Interesting Facts About Coffee.

1. Dark roasts are actually lighter on caffeine.

That dark French or Italian roast may taste stronger, but that doesn’t mean it’s packing a stronger caffeine punch. In fact, light roasts contain the most caffeine—because the process of roasting beans burns off caffeine.

2. Not all brands are created equal.

There’s a huge of milligrams of caffeine per ounce in some of your favorite chains to grab a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee from Starbucks, for example, has more than twice the caffeine per ounce as a cup from McDonald’s—20.6 mg compared to 9.1 mg.

3. The grind matters.

Want a bigger jolt? Use a “burr” instead of “blade” grinder—it’ll create a rougher grind, which means more tiny surfaces on each grain of coffee and more caffeine coming out of each bean into your cup.

4. Everyone metabolizes it differently.

Caffeine is flushed out of everyone’s body at different rates. Women usually process it faster than men, smokers process it twice as fast as non-smokers, and women who take birth control pills metabolize it at about a third that rate that women not on birth control pills do.

5. It doesn’t dehydrate you.

You’ve probably heard that you should be drinking extra water to counteract the dehydrating effects of caffeine, right? Turns out coffee hydrates you just as well as water, especially when you’re a regular coffee drinker, according to a University of Birmingham study. Lead researcher Sophie Killer explains that regular caffeine intake makes you more tolerant to the potential diuretic effects. “Your body becomes more able to regulate the fluid intake and is less susceptible to any increases in urine output that somebody who’s caffeine-naïve might experience,” she says.

6. You’re better off with regular coffee than an energy drink.

Need a midday boost? Stick with coffee instead of Red Bull if you’re looking for the most caffeine bang for your buck—coffee tends to have more caffeine per serving than energy drink (about 80mg of caffeine in a 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull, compared to 95 to 200mg in a cup of coffee), minus the sugar and artificial ingredients. 

Amazing Uses Of Grapes!

A grape is a fruit botanically a berry of  the deciduous Woody vines of the following plant genus vitis. Grapes are a non climatic type of fruit generally occuring in clusters.

Grapes can be eaten fresh as table grapes or they can be used for making wine, jam, grape juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar and grape seed oil.

Grapes are:

1. Loaded with Antioxidants
Grapes are a powerhouse of antioxidants – they contain a wide range of phytonutrients right from carotenoids to polyphenols. Studies have revealed that these phytonutrients help in preventing certain kinds of cancers and help in maintaining heart health. Among polyphenols, resveratrol is known for its miraculous properties such as inhibiting the formation of free radicals that could cause cancer and dilating blood vessels to ease blood flow and lower blood pressure. Point to note: The antioxidant content is the highest in the seeds and the skin. So, do make use of them.

2. Prevents Skin Problems

It is found that resveratrol prevents signs of ageing and other skin problems. According to a study conducted by the team at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), resveratrol, when combined with a common acne medication benzoyl peroxide, fights the acne causing bacteria.

3. Good for the Eyes
According to a study done by University of Miami, Florida, grapes promote eye health from signalling changes at the cellular level to directly countering oxidative stress. Including grapes in the diet results in lower levels of inflammatory proteins and higher amounts of protective proteins in the retinas, which is the part of the eye that contains the cells that respond to light, known as photoreceptors.

4. Boost Brain Power
Certain studies have found that resveratrol helps in increasing blood flow to the brain, thereby it could help speed up mental responses and prove to be beneficial for those suffering from brain related ailments like Alzheimer’s. A study done by the University of Switzerland also found that resveratrol can help remove plaques and free radicals, which affect the brain.

5. Good for the Knees
A study done by Texas Woman’s University has established that daily intake of grapes can help get relief from knee pain, especially the ones triggered due to symptomatic osteoarthritis. Grapes are high on antioxidants, most important and beneficial one being polyphenols, which help in improving the flexibility and mobility of joints.

7. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
It has been found that grapes contain certain enzymes which bring about anti-inflammatory effect in our body. As such it brings about relief to the arteries, promotes heart health and helps in other repair functions of the body.

Aspragus And Weight Loss

Not only does asparagus contain high levels of vitamin K and is a good source of vitamins A and C, but also, the veggie may just be your ticket to a few lost pounds. Here are three reasons why asparagus can help you lose weight.

1. It may suppress your appetite: Asparagus is a great source of the soluble finer inulin, which in some studies has been shown to suppress appetite — one study found that six grams of inulin could be as filling as 260 calories of food.

2. It may help regulate blood sugar: Asparagus is an excellent source of many different B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, and B6. Certain types of B vitamins may work together to metabolise glucose to regulate your blood sugar, according to some research. And maintaining stable blood sugar levels helps you avoid crashes and binges that can lead to overeating.

3. It de-bloats: The high fiber content in asparagus encourages digestive health by keeping your system moving and stimulating probiotic growth, while its high vitamin K content acts as a natural diuretic, making asparagus a great tool for anyone looking to feel a little less puffy.

Let’s Get To Know About Corn!

Also known as maize (Zea mays), corn is one of the world’s most popular cereal grains. It’s the seed of a plant in the grass family, native to Central America but grown in countless varieties worldwide.

Popcorn and sweet corn are popular varieties, but refined corn products are also widely consumed, frequently as ingredients in processed food. These include tortillas, tortilla chips, polenta, cornmeal, corn flour, corn syrup, and corn oil.

Whole-grain corn is as healthy as any cereal grain, as its rich in fiber and many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Corn is typically yellow but comes in a variety of other colors, such as red, orange, purple, blue, white, and black.

Nutrition facts

Here are the nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of boiled yellow corn:

●Calories: 96

●Water: 73%

●Protein: 3.4 grams

●Carbs: 21 grams

●Sugar: 4.5 grams

●Fiber: 2.4 grams

●Fat: 1.5 grams


Like all cereal grains, corn is primarily composed of carbs. Starch is its main carb, comprising 28–80% of its dry weight. Corn also provides small amounts of sugar (1–3%). Sweet corn, or sugar corn, is a special, low-starch variety with higher sugar content, at 18% of the dry weight. Most of the sugar is sucrose. Despite the sugar in sweet corn, it is not a high-glycemic food, ranking low or medium on the glycemic index (GI). The GI is a measure of how quickly carbs are digested. Foods that rank high on this index may cause an unhealthy spike in blood sugar.


Corn contains a fair amount of fiber. One medium bag (112 grams) of cinema popcorn boasts approximately 16 grams of fiber. This is 42% and 64% of the Daily Value (DV) for men and women, respectively. While the fiber content of different types of corn varies, it’s generally around 9–15% of the dry weight. The predominant fibers in corn are insoluble ones, such as hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin.


Corn is a decent source of protein. Depending on the variety, the protein content ranges from 10–15%. The most abundant proteins in corn are known as Zeins, accounting for 44–79% of the total protein content.

Corn oil

The fat content of corn ranges from 5–6%, making it a low-fat food. However, corn germ, an abundant side-product of corn milling, is rich in fat and used to make corn oil, which is a common cooking product. Refined corn oil is mainly composed of linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, while monounsaturated and saturated fats make up the rest. It also contains significant amounts of vitamin E, ubiquinone (Q10), and phytosterols, increasing its shelf life and making it potentially effective at lowering cholesterol levels.

Vitamins and minerals

Corn may contain a fair amount of several vitamins and minerals. Notably, the amount is highly variable depending on the corn type. In general, popcorn is rich in minerals, whereas sweet corn is higher in many vitamins.


This popular snack boasts several vitamins and minerals, including:

●Manganese. An essential trace element, manganese occurs in high amounts in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

●Phosphorus. Found in decent amounts in both popcorn and sweet corn, phosphorus is a mineral that plays an important role in the growth and maintenance of body tissues.

●Magnesium. Poor levels of this important mineral may increase your risk of many chronic illnesses, such as heart disease.

●Zinc. This trace element has many essential functions in your body.

●Copper. An antioxidant trace element, copper is generally low in the Western diet. Inadequate intake may have adverse effects on heart health.

Sweet corn

Sweet corn boasts a number of vitamins, including:

●Pantothenic acid- Also called vitamin B5, this acid is found to some extent in nearly all foods. Thus, deficiency is rare.

●Folate- Also known as vitamin B9 or folic acid, folate is an essential nutrient, especially important during pregnancy.

●Vitamin B6- B6 is a class of related vitamins, the most common of which is pyridoxine. It serves various functions in your body.

●Niacin- Also called vitamin B3, niacin in corn is not well absorbed. Cooking corn with lime can make this nutrient more available for absorption.

●Potassium. An essential nutrient, potassium is important for blood pressure control and may improve heart health.

Health benefits

Regular whole-grain intake may have a number of health benefits.

Eye health

Macular degeneration and cataracts are among the world’s most common visual impairments and major causes of blindness. Infections and old age are among the main causes of these diseases, but nutrition may also play a significant role.

Dietary intake of antioxidants, most notably carotenoids like Zeaxanthin and Lutein, may boost eye health. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are the predominant carotenoids in corn, accounting for approximately 70% of the total carotenoid content. High levels of these carotenoids in your blood are strongly linked to a reduced risk of both macular degeneration and cataracts.

Prevention of diverticular disease

Diverticular disease (diverticulosis) is a condition characterized by pouches in the walls of your colon. The main symptoms are cramps, flatulence, bloating, and less often bleeding and infection.

Corn is one of the most widely consumed cereal grains. As a good source of antioxidant carotenoids,

such as lutein and zeaxanthin. Yellow corn may promote eye health. It’s also a rich source of many

vitamins and minerals. For this reason, moderate consumption of whole-grain corn, such as popcorn

or sweet corn, can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet.

Berries And Its Benefits!

Berries are some of the healthiest foods you can eat, as they’re low in calories but high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Many berries have proven benefits for heart health. These include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, while reducing oxidative stress.

Some of its benefits are:

1. Loaded with antioxidants. Berries contain antioxidants, which help keep free radicals under control.

2. May help improve blood sugar and insulin response.

3. High in fibre. Berries are a good source of fibre, including soluble fibre.

4. May help protect against cancer. Several antioxidants in berries, including anthocyanin, ellagic acid, and resveratrol, may reduce cancer risk.

5. Help fight inflammation. Berries have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

6. May be good for your skin. Berries may help reduce skin wrinkling, as their antioxidants help control free radicals, one of the leading causes of skin damage that contributes to ageing.

7. May help keep your arteries healthy. In addition to lowering cholesterol, berries provide other benefits for heart health, including improving the function of your arteries.

8. Provide many nutrients. Berries are low in calories and extremely nutritious.

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